
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
45. The One with Kip Kinkel
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
We're back with another Oregon classic featuring trench coats, homemade bombs, and firearms all at the age of 15. What could go wrong? Kip Kinkel goes on the war path after being suspended for bringing a gun to school, and takes his rage out on his family and classmates with a hail of gunfire.

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
44. The One with the Face-Lift Murder
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Imagine thinking you're being gifted a little nip/tuck only to have to pay for it... with your life. Michele MacNeill seemed to be clueless to her husband thottin' and boppin' around town with his sidepiece when he prompted her to go under the knife as a gift. When things go wrong, Dr. Martin MacNeill can't even be bothered to give her proper CPR.
If we've said it once, we'll say it again: The husband did it.

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
43. The One for World Day Against Human Trafficking
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
July 30 is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (aka Human Trafficking), so we're bringing you a special episode covering the biggest form of True Crime existing in our modern world. More people live in slavery today than ever before in history, yet the discussion continues to be minimal. Please use the resources below to learn more and get involved in this fight against Modern Day Slavery:
Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
Compassion First in Portland, Oregon
Child Rescue Coalition
Operation Underground Railroad
Polaris Project
End Slavery Now
Slave Stealer Podcast
Operation Toussaint (movie)
The Abolitionists (movie)
All links are non-affiliate, meaning we do not make any $$ off your purchases.

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
42. The One Where Jonestown Drinks the Kool-Aid
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
They say don’t drink the Kool-Aid, but did Jonestown really take cyanide shots willingly? Jim Jones was the leader behind what was deemed one of the largest mass suicides the country had ever seen, but suicide implies willingness and... well, these followers seemed as suicidal as Jeffrey Epstein - and he didn’t kill himself either.

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
41. The One with Shoe Fetish Killer Jerome Brudos
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Another installment of our Mindhunter series! We're covering an Oregon classic - Jerry Brudos, the Shoe Fetish Killer. He inspired one of the most uncomfortable and graphic scenes in the Netflix show, and the true story gives similar heebie jeebie feelings. This one will have you throwing out your high heels for some running shoes.

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
40. The One with Tamla Horsford
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
The investigation into the death of Tamla Horsford has recently been reopened, and boy do we need to discuss! Originally ruled an accident by Forsyth County, all signs point to foul play and we are beyond baffled. You can find more info here:

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
39. The One with the Hart Family Murder-Suicide
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Devonte Hart gained global attention when a photo went viral of the young boy embracing a Portland police officer while wearing a Free Hugs sign during the Ferguson protests. His whole family would end up dead in a horrific murder-suicide just 4 years later. What went wrong for this photo-op social media family?

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
38. The One with a 27-Year-Old Family Secret
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Kimberly held onto the secret behind the disappearance of her stepdad, Lloyd Ford, for almost three decades before spilling her guts over a cup of coffee and implicating her own mother. Judy Gough didn’t act alone, though. This is some mother-daughter bonding we could do without.

Friday Jun 05, 2020
37. The One with the Killer Teen Couple
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020

Thursday May 28, 2020
36. The One with the Au Pair
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Sophie Lionnet thought she’d found the ideal job when she moved from France and became a live-in nanny to London couple Sabrina Kouider and Ouissem Medouni. No one could have anticipated the lethal obsessions and delusions that would cost Sophie her life.